P is for Pony!
by Jessica
(Castro Valley, CA)
My daughter takes horse riding lessons at her school and she Loves ponies so when it was time to give her nursery to baby sister I knew her big girl room had to be with a pony theme! After trying several greens I finally found the right ones!
I first drew with a light pencil the way I wanted my hills to be. I like things symmetrical so I started with the two outer hills and measured up the same height on both sides. Then drew in the center hill. I painted the sky first trying to stay right along the lines of the hills drawn on the wall. I used a very small brush for this and a larger roller for other areas. I waited until the sky was completely dry to start on the green hills, otherwise the two colors might bleed together. Once I finished the hills I had my husband make a fence out of wood we had painted white. It's very easy to do with the right tools. I found a few Pony cut outs at Michaels craft store & I painted them, put a dot of hot glue on the back and stuck them on! It was very easy just time consuming. My daughter LOVES her big girl room now!
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